Missoula Vet Clinic
TPLO Surgery
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy is a surgical repair of a torn Cranial Cruciate Ligament (know as the ACL in humans).

The TPLO levels the slope of the tibia by cutting the bone and rotating it. A plate is fastened onto the side of the bone with a set of screws to hold the tibia together during the healing process. The TPLO keeps the femur bone from shifting backward during weight-bearing activities and allows other supporting structures of the stifle to stabilize the joint.
Postoperative care at home is critical. Premature, uncontrolled or excessive activities risk complete or partial failure of any surgical repair. Such failure may require extensive surgery to address. Proper postoperative care will be explained to you in detail. Studies show that physical rehabilitation can speed a dog’s recovery and improve final outcomes. This rehabilitation should start immediately after surgery and usually includes a regime of passive range of motion, balance exercises, controlled walks on a leash and so forth. Details on these activities will be provided.